Community Development Block Grant Program
Federal CDBG Program was established to develop viable urban communities, provide decent housing and strive to create better living environments. CDBG funding furthers economic development opportunities for low- and moderate- income persons and to eliminate blight conditions.
Since 1984, the CDA has received and administered Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program funds for Dakota County. The CDBG Program provides grants to Dakota County to distribute to participating cities and townships.
CDBG grant funds can be used for the following activities:
- Acquisition/Disposition
- Demolition/Clearance
- Economic Development Activities
- Rehabilitation
- General Administration
- Relocation
- Public Facilities/Improvements
- Public Services
- Planning
- Homeownership Assistance
For a full description of CDBG eligible activities, refer to the CDBG Eligible Activities and Definitions.
CDBG Eligible Activities and Definitions
Please note: the activity may be deemed eligible, however that does not guarantee funding.
Commonly Used CDBG Forms
Year End Reports
For more information on the CDBG Program, contact the Assistant Director of Community and Economic Development at 651-675-4464.