Public Comment and Review Period of Dakota County Community Development Agency’s (CDA’s) Draft of the Dakota County Consortium’s 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan and 2025 Action Plan

This notice is to announce the beginning of a minimum 30-day public comment and review period of the Dakota County Community Development Agency’s (CDA) draft of the Dakota County Consortium 2025–2029 Five Year Consolidated Plan and Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Annual Action Plan. The purpose of the public comment period is to receive comments from the public concerning the proposed housing and community development needs and objectives of Dakota County and the Dakota County HOME Consortium, and the projected use of FY 2025 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) funds, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds, and Program Income derived from CDBG and HOME. The FY 2025 Action Plan will also include amendments to the Dakota County HOME Consortium Citizen Participation Plan, the Anti-Displacement Plan, and the Written Standards for the ESG program. A public hearing for the draft Dakota County Consortium 2025–2029 Consolidated Plan and FY 2025 Action Plan is proposed to be scheduled for April 22, 2025.

As of the publication date of this hearing notice, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has not released the allocation of Dakota County’s CDBG, HOME, and ESG funds. The following summaries include estimates of the allocations based on Dakota County’s FY 2024 allocations. The summaries also include contingency provisions explaining which activities will be increased or decreased depending on the final FY 2025 budget.

  • The following is a summary of the proposed uses for the FY 2025 CDBG Program (estimated $1,873,895) and Program Income (estimated $400,000). Note that public service activities in all communities will not exceed the statutory limit of 15 percent of the total CDBG allocation, and that planning and grant administration activities will not exceed 20 percent of the total CDBG allocation.
  • Dakota County: $255,845 for Countywide home improvement loans, $110,000 for housing counseling, and housing information and referral services, $60,000 for Countywide septic system repair and replacement grants, $3,000 for fair housing activities, and $234,237 for general grant administration. Funding for the housing counseling, septic repair, and home improvement loan activities will be increased or decreased proportionally by the percentage of the increase or decrease to the FY 2025 CDBG allocation subject to statutory limits on public services. The grant administration activity funding will remain at the requested funding level subject to statutory limits.
  • Program Income: Approximately $400,000 in revolving loan funds which will be used exclusively for home improvement loans.
  • Apple Valley: $139,923 for home improvement loans, and $24,700 for senior public services. If CDBG funding is decreased, funding for the home improvement loans will be decreased by the percentage of the decrease and the public service activities will remain at the requested funding, subject to the statutory limit. If CDBG funding is increased, funding for all activities will be increased by the percentage of the increase.
  • Burnsville: $233,508 for home improvement loans. Funding for Burnsville activities will be increased or decreased by the percentage of the increase or decrease of the CDBG allocation.
  • Eagan: $169,849 for home improvement loans, and $30,500 for senior and youth public services. If CDBG funding is decreased, funding for the home improvement loans will be decreased by the percentage of the decrease and the public service activities will remain at the requested funding, subject to the statutory limit. If CDBG funding is increased, funding for all activities will be increased by the percentage of the increase.
  • Farmington: $41,618 for home improvement loans, and $5,000 for senior services. If CDBG funding is decreased, funding for the home improvement loans will be decreased by the percentage of the decrease and the public service activities will remain at the requested funding, subject to the statutory limit. If CDBG funding is increased, funding for all activities will be increased by the percentage of the increase.
  • Hastings: $44,879 for assessment abatement. Funding for the activity will be increased or decreased by the percentage of the increase or decrease of the CDBG allocation.
  • Inver Grove Heights: $96,446 for home improvement loans. Funding for the activity will be increased or decreased by the percentage of the increase or decrease of the CDBG allocation.
  • Lakeville: $71,707 for home improvement loans, $21,511 for planning documents, $35,000 for senior transportation; and $15,194 for senior services. If CDBG funding is decreased, funding for the planning activities will be decreased by the percentage of the decrease and the public service activities will remain at the requested funding, subject to the statutory limit. If CDBG funding is increased, funding for all activities will be increased by the percentage of the increase.
  • Mendota Heights: $17,211 for home improvement loans. Funding for the activity will be increased or decreased by the percentage of the increase or decrease of the CDBG allocation.
  • Northfield: $48,000 for homeownership assistance and $6,066 for planning documents. Funding for Northfield activities will be increased or decreased by the percentage of the increase or decrease of the CDBG allocation.
  • Rosemount: $41,778 for home improvement loans. Funding for the activity will be increased or decreased by the percentage of the increase or decrease of the CDBG allocation.
  • South St Paul: $71,112 for home improvement loans. Funding for the activity will be increased or decreased by the percentage of the increase or decrease of the CDBG allocation.
  • West St Paul: $85,811 for home improvement loans. Funding for the activity will be increased or decreased by the percentage of the increase or decrease of the CDBG allocation.
  • Vermillion Township: $11,000 for a building site inventory map. Funding for the activity will be increased or decreased by the percentage of the increase or decrease of the CDBG allocation.

The following is a summary of the proposed uses for the FY 2025 ESG funds (estimated $172,422). Funding for all activities will be increased or decreased proportionally by the percentage of the increase or decrease to the FY 2025 ESG allocation, except that grant administration activities will remain at 7.5 percent and emergency shelter operations will not exceed 60 percent of the total grant funds.

  • $103,400 for emergency shelter operations.
  • $47,090 for rapid re-housing assistance
  • $4,000 for homelessness prevention.
  • $5,000 for Homeless Management Information System services.
  • $12,932 for general grant administration.

The following is a summary of the proposed uses for the FY 2025 HOME Entitlement (estimated $2,127,170.56) and Program Income (estimated $336,175.86). The Dakota County Consortium proposes to spend available HOME funds and Program Income (PI) by using the oldest Program Year funds first. The percentage shares are subject to change.

  • Dakota County (36.24% Share): $804,793.71 of 2025 entitlement funds and $59,283.27 of program income for the following uses:
    • Affordable Rental Housing: $263,364.65 in entitlement funds and $51,435.67 in program income.
    • Affordable Homeowner Housing: $314,800.31 of entitlement funds.
    • Community Development Housing Organization (CHDO): $115,632.99 in entitlement funds for affordable rental housing development.
    • Administration: $110,995.76 in entitlement funds and $7,847.60 in program income for the administration of HOME funded projects and HOME Consortium-related responsibilities.
  • Anoka County (24.62% Share): $583,534.91 of 2025 entitlement funds and $205,384.26 of program income for the following uses:
    • Affordable Rental Housing: $463,616.82 of entitlement funds and $39,758.16 of program income.
    • Affordable Homeowner Housing: $150,000 of program income.
    • Community Development Housing Organization (CHDO): $78,556.41 of entitlement funds for affordable rental housing development.
    • Grant Administration: $41,361.68 of entitlement funds and $15,626.10 of program income for the administration of HOME funded projects.
  • Ramsey County (22.84% Share): $473.699.61 of 2025 entitlement funds and $71,508.33 of program income for the following uses:
    • Affordable Homeowner Housing: $364,384.32 of entitlement funds and $66,007.68 of program income.
    • Community Development Housing Organization (CHDO): $72,876.86 of entitlement funds for affordable rental housing development.
    • Grant Administration: $36,438.43 of entitlement funds and $5,500.65 of program income for the administration of HOME funded projects.
  • Washington County (11.86% Share): $245,975.37 of 2025 entitlement funds for the following uses:
    • Affordable Homeowner Housing: $189,211.82 of entitlement funds.
    • Community Development Housing Organization (CHDO): $37,842.36 in entitlement funds for affordable rental housing development.
    • Grant Administration: $18,921.18 in entitlement funds for the administration of HOME funded projects.
  • City of Woodbury (4.44% Share): $19,166.96 of 2025 entitlement funds for the following uses:
    • Community Development Housing Organization (CHDO): $14,166.96 of entitlement funds for affordable rental housing development.
    • Grant Administration: $5,000 of entitlement funds for the administration of HOME funded projects.

Funding for all HOME activities will be proportionally increased or decreased based on the final HOME allocation received from HUD, except for Anoka County’s Affordable Homeownership activity, which will remain at $150,000 in the event of an increase or decrease in funding; the grant administration activity will remain at 10 percent and the CHDO activities will remain at 15 percent of the total HOME allocation.

Written and/or oral comments regarding Dakota County’s CDBG, HOME, and ESG funds may be submitted to the following:
Maggie Dykes, Assistant Director of Community and Economic Development
Dakota County CDA
1228 Town Centre Drive, Eagan, MN 55123
651-675-4464. Fax: 651-287-8020.
MN Relay Service: 1-800-627-3529

Written and/or oral comments regarding Dakota County HOME Consortium members activities may be submitted to the following:
• Anoka County – Tonja West-Hafner at 763-324-4603 or
• Ramsey County – Max Holdhusen at 651-431-8199 or
• Washington County – Angie Shuppert at 651-379-9551 or
• City of Woodbury – Jamie Fritts at 651-414-3438 or

Comments will be accepted now through April 18, 2025.

2025-2029 Consolidated Plan DRAFT